Visit Sapphire Blue

Sapphire Blue is proudly located in the heart of Auckland Central, with free client parking, and convenient motorway access.

Sapphire Blue Escort Agency

86 Nelson Street

Auckland Central

Free client parking is provided behind our building, accessed via the gravel Parkable carpark located at 50 Cook Street. To find our client parking, use this Google Maps Link:

Map of Sapphire Blue at 86 Nelson Street:


Walk in booking policy:

1) We recommend advance bookings, however you can walk in to book - our manager will show you profiles for the girls that are available now;

2) If you want to book a girl that is available now, you may do so by paying the standard booking rate;

3) If you are unsure on a booking and only want to meet the girl first you can do so by paying a $50 deposit to meet her;

4) If you decide to go ahead with a booking this $50 deposit will go towards the booking fee.